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Closet Organizer Accessories Just For Women | New Jersey

George Chowanec • October 19, 2015

When you imagine a functional and sensible closet design, it’s usually not what most closets look like - 1 hanging rod, a shelf on top and maybe a dresser. If there’s one thing to learn about organization in general, it is that your ability to organize is dependent on the organizers you have available - i.e. no rods = no hanging space, no dresser = clothes on floor, etc.

In addition, most women have many more items than men, and surely, you wouldn’t want your various items piled up requiring wasted sorting time. It’s very likely that you have many accessories that could be stored in a much more functional way. Let’s explore some closet organizers for your accessories available in New Jersey.

Top Closet Organizer Choices for Women’s Accessories | Available in New Jersey

It’s time to let go of the outdated and nonfunctional closet designs , raise our standards of living, and once and for all, create a working, sensible closet that fulfills and satisfies us. After accepting that our clothes are a projection of our self-image , our closet organization becomes a greater priority.

As a note, before going into the various closet organizers to choose from, it’s important to understand that closet organizer accessories are the icing on top of a good foundational closet designed for optimal flow with your ever-changing lifestyle. If you’re considering a custom built closet, download our Custom Closet Pricing Guideto learn all the ins and outs of the industry-wide standards.

Jewelry Drawers

Jewelry Drawer

Has anyone ever told you that you may have TOO much jewelry? Not true, they just don’t know how to appreciate them! ;) Whatever the case, there must be a better way to organize all of your jewelry and keep them from piling and tangling together. You can spend ages trying to detangle, finding the matching pair, and matching your jewelry with your attire.

Imagine being able to glance at your jewelry and very quickly be able to pick the exact ones you’re looking for, as well as knowing precisely where to put them back when you’re done. Your jewelry drawers will provide the enhancement and solution you’ve been seeking all these years. You will be able to keep all of your rings, necklaces and earrings sorted nicely without rolling all over the place.

Shoe Racks

Shoe Rack

Oh yes, you know this is something that you will greatly benefit from. All of your shoes can be organized just the way you want them to be - sorted by types such as flip flops, heels, comfort, boots & sneakers - and if you have a super collection, even by colors!

Where are your shoes now? Are they piled next to the door or your closet? Are they scattered? Installing shoe racks will help keep your floors free of clutter and make it easier to match with your clothes. Remember, having clutter adds to the clutter of the mind, so if you already have a ‘hundred tabs’ open in your thoughts, let’s lessen the stress, starting with better organization.

Tall Mirror

Can you imagine not having a mirror? Probably not. So although we know that having a mirror is the only way to visually see ourselves, it may not be obvious to put a tall one next to your closet. It’s not uncommon to need to stand on the bed or chair to see your full body attire if you have a mirror that’s not big enough or placed properly. Even mirrors in the bathroom only show how you look from the waist up.

If you place a tall mirror next to your closet, you can speed up the time of choosing your attire and decrease the frustration and annoyance having an ineffective mirror can evoke. No more racing back and forth to a mirror located outside the room either. Mirror = Less Stress = More Happiness.


The top closet organizers combined can significantly increase the quality of your life since clothes play an important role in how we present ourselves to others. However, accessory organizers are only add-ons to something that’s even more important, which is to establish a strong foundational closet designthat suits your needs and lifestyle.

George Chowanec - Owner, All About Closets LLC

George obtained a Master of Science Engineering Degree from New Jersey Institute of Technology. After graduation, he worked at AT&T Bell Labs and Lucent Technologies after the company split. With an extensive background in construction management and ergonomic space design, spanning residential and commercial, designing and installing closets in New Jersey is second nature for him.

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All About Closets LLC

699 Challenger Way Unit D4

Forked River, NJ 08731

Phone: (732) 391-4411

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