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Custom Laundry Room Makeover Ideas

George Chowanec • June 9, 2015

Whether your laundry room is a corner of the garage, or a dedicated utility room, the tasks to complete don’t rank among your favorite. Washing, drying, folding and hanging laundry is necessary in any household, though, and an excellent organization system can make the chore more tolerable. Here are some tips on making over this area of the house to make laundry less dreaded:

Make the room pretty

Many laundry rooms have a strictly utilitarian look about them, which can be appealing in its own way. If you’re having the area made over, however, consider painting the walls an attractive color or having laundry room cabinets installed in your favorite finish.

Depending on which part of the house the laundry area is located in, you might choose a finish similar to what you have in your kitchen or something that would complement your garage. Making it look nice is a great way to boost your morale while doing laundry.

Replace your appliances with front-loaders

If you are getting a new washer, consider switching to a front-loading machine. This will enable you to put a countertop over the appliances, which is a great place for pre-treating stains, folding laundry or even ironing. If you can get all of the laundry chores done in one place, that will eliminate having baskets of unfolded laundry in your bedroom, on the couch or wherever else it is that you currently fold laundry.

Custom Laundry Room Storage

Carve out a space for hampers right in the laundry room

If you have the space for a hamper in your laundry room, this will put an end to having to carry everyone’s clothing from baskets in the bathroom or in their bedrooms. The best type of hamper to get would be one that allows people to sort their own laundry as they throw it in, into sections designated for whites, darks and towels. If you don’t have the space for a free-standing hamper, you might be able to have one installed in a cabinet. This has the added benefit of keeping the dirty clothes out of sight until you are ready to deal with them.

Invest in a few extras to make laundry chores less tedious

Do you currently have rod over the appliances so that you can hang clothing that can’t go in the dryer? If not, this is an inexpensive way to make hang-drying clothes easier. What about a cute timer? The buzzer on your dryer might be jarring; an attractive timer that does not sound quite as obnoxious might be a great addition to your laundry room, and it will keep you on your toes, as well! Even some new, fresh-smelling laundry detergent or dryer sheets can make you more eager to spend time in the laundry room.

Having your laundry room made over doesn’t have to be terribly expensive. Even a new countertop, a hamper, an ironing board set into the wall, or a hanging rack can make a difference in the way that the room functions. Think about what is stopping you from enjoying the chore of doing laundry, and try to come up with a way to work out a solution that works for your lifestyle and budget.

George Chowanec - Owner, All About Closets LLC

George obtained a Master of Science Engineering Degree from New Jersey Institute of Technology. After graduation, he worked at AT&T Bell Labs and Lucent Technologies after the company split. With an extensive background in construction management and ergonomic space design, spanning residential and commercial, designing and installing closets in New Jersey is second nature for him.

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