Blog Post

How Do I Get an Organized Closet in New Jersey?

George Chowanec • November 4, 2012

You’ve finally done it: You’ve gotten a custom closet installed. As you stand in the doorway of your new investment, you realize that you need to put back all of the clothing and other items that you took out for the installation. Since your closet is clean, and new-looking, you certainly want to keep up the organization. Here’s what you should do, step-by-step:

1. Put away the things that have clear spots. The new shoe rack is for shoes, so it’s time to find your 15 pairs of pumps in all shades and place them on the appropriate shelves. Some of the racks are higher than others, and there’s a high bar with nothing underneath: This is for you to hang your dresses on. You’ll finally have all of your dresses together in one place! The telescopic belt and tie racks are, you guessed it, for your belts and ties, respectively, and the best thing of all is that they won’t slip onto the floor, the way they did when you were draping them over hangers! The velvet-lined jewelry insert will keep your necklaces, bracelets and earrings from getting tangled and damaged.

2. Fold sweaters and other clothing that shouldn’t be hung, and place them neatly on the shelves. Heavier items and those that can stretch out shouldn’t be hung, because it makes marks on the shoulders and causes them to fit differently over time.

3. Hang your pants on the upper hanging sections. This is because pants don’t hang over the outside of the hanger like blouses do, so you’ll still be able to easily see what’s hanging below. Also, pants (when hung over the hanger) hang shorter than blouses and other tops, so this allows better accessibility to the middle shelf as well as the lower hanging rack. Place tops on the lower rod.

4. Fill the drawers with your undergarments. These drawers allow your entire wardrobe to be stored in your custom closet, eliminating the need for you to go back and forth between the bedroom dresser and the closet in order to get dressed. This not only saves time, but it might save you or your spouse some sleep: Neither of you will be bumbling around in the bedroom in the dark or turning on the light in order to find what you need, so you won’t be disturbing a partner with a different wake-up time.

5.Make use of your hamper as you dirty your clothes. Don’t ever let clean and dirty laundry mingle, and don’t drop your dirty clothing on the bathroom floor. This will keep your clothing in good condition through many wearings.

Once you have everything put away, you’ll find that your professionally designed and installed custom closet will make it easy to keep all of your items well-organized and in good condition. Every item will have a home in your closet, and nothing should be slipping off of hangers or mixed up with clothing with which it does not belong. Keep your closet organized by simply putting everything away as soon as it comes back from the laundry room, and you’ll never have to deal with closet mayhem and chaos again!

George Chowanec - Owner, All About Closets LLC

George obtained a Master of Science Engineering Degree from New Jersey Institute of Technology. After graduation, he worked at AT&T Bell Labs and Lucent Technologies after the company split. With an extensive background in construction management and ergonomic space design, spanning residential and commercial, designing and installing closets in New Jersey is second nature for him.

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All About Closets LLC

699 Challenger Way Unit D4

Forked River, NJ 08731

Phone: (732) 391-4411

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