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Creating your own Custom Closet Designcan be an arduous task. There are many things to consider such as cost, difficulty level, durability of materials, maintenance and design. Depending on your workflow and type of items you're storing, your ideal closet may differ drastically from the "cookie-cutter" options from your local home improvement stores. So here are some of the top closet material options to fit your needs.
First on the list is the Wire Closets option, which is the least expensive and most lightweight. The materials are widely available and easiest to install, even for the beginner DIYers. Most homes come with this option commonly found in kitchen pantries, walk-in closets, and kid's closets.
Although there are many benefits for this option, they do come with some limitations. Wire Closets are very difficult to customize and are not built for heavy loads, as overloading the wired shelves may result in unsightly holes in the wall as they fall. Despite the lower aesthetics and design aspect, this is still a great option if you're on a tight budget.
Depending on the type of wood you use, your closet may have more durability and thus, allow it to bear a heavier load. If you're a DIY enthusiast, the sky is the limit in terms of how you can customize your closet.
However, building your own closets require an advanced skillset. Millimeters can make a huge difference when it comes to making sure your drawers & cabinets fit properly, and wood requires a finish which requires more time and resources. Mistakes can be costly and time consuming, and depending on your workflow in your closet, garageor pantry, you may experience warping, staining and peeling through normal use.
A newer technology that takes all the benefits of wood and removes its limitations is melamine over MDF. Using melamine for your custom closet is very easy to maintain without worrying about staining, peeling or cracking. When combined with the load bearing MDF material, warping is no longer an issue, making this option the most popular. MDF is easily customizable; the wood can be cut to any dimension or shape, and melamine comes in countless finishes to choose from.
To ensure your custom closet is built correctly the first time to perfection, getting professional help is highly recommended. It's important to know that there is much more that goes into a custom closet design other than cutting wood and choosing a finish. To build the optimum closet, you need to consider your workflow, items that you have and may have later, and design elements to suit your decor.
A great place to start is identifying and organizing your current closet & laundry items. Afterall, the type of closet material you choose won't solve the clutter and mess. Download the Free How-to Guide below to easily cleanout your closet and get them organized once-and-for-all.
George obtained a Master of Science Engineering Degree from New Jersey Institute of Technology. After graduation, he worked at AT&T Bell Labs and Lucent Technologies after the company split. With an extensive background in construction management and ergonomic space design, spanning residential and commercial, designing and installing closets in New Jersey is second nature for him.
All About Closets LLC
699 Challenger Way Unit D4
Forked River, NJ 08731
Phone: (732) 391-4411
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