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The cool thing about working from home is that you don’t have to wear shoes if you don’t want to. If you’d prefer working in your slippers or even barefoot, that’s up to you. It’s not like anyone is going to tell you what to do.
Even in an ergonomic office chair though, if your feet are on an uncomfortable surface all day, you might feel a bit achy and sore by the time you wrap up your work.
Plush carpeting will feel wonderful beneath your feet. Whether you go with full floor-to-floor carpets or just toss a rug in the center of the room, your home office will look and feel softer right away.
By choosing a carpet in a vivid hue, you could inspire creativity or otherwise influence your mood. Here are some color options to consider and how they may make you feel:
Piles of papers and stacks of files are the norm on your home office desk, but admittedly, the presence of these items stresses you out. It sounds like you might want to look into a credenza for sprucing up your office décor.
Not only can you use the credenza for storing files, but paper clips, pens, pencils, your stapler, and every other office item that just sits on your desk taking up room. Your cleaner desk will put you in a more inspired working mood.
So too will the sight of the credenza, which is a statement-making piece of furniture that tells anyone who comes into your home office that you mean business.
You’ve got the floors covered (literally), now it’s time to think about what to put on the walls of your home office. A few large, stately pieces of artwork will surely grab attention, plus, these pieces are nice to admire when you need to take a break for a few minutes.
Whether you stick to artists you know or venture into new territory, think also of the colors incorporated into the artwork. This is your chance to combine several hues to enjoy the productivity and inspiration benefits talked about earlier.
For example, if you want to feel confident and strong, artwork with shades of red and yellow could frame your mindset in the right way. Now you’ll be ready to knock that client meeting out of the park!
You’re pretty happy to have cleaned up the desk clutter with your credenza, but your office desk still feels a little cramped. There’s not too much you can do about it though. It’s not like you can remove your keyboard when you need to use it to type every day.
Or can you? With a keyboard tray, you can move your keyboard from your desk to a separate area. This pull-out tray can retract when you’re done working for the day so your desk looks clean. You’ll come into your home office the next morning and smile at the neatness.
Then, when it’s time to get to work, you can pull the keyboard tray out and type away. This convenience and space savings will make being in your home office even better.
The right lighting is everything. If you ever struggle to get out of bed on a dark, rainy day, then you know how light works to motivate you to get things done. If your home office was converted from another room of the house, then you might be lacking windows, or perhaps you only have one or two small windows.
While the best light is always natural light, artificial lights work as well if they're your only option. Having more light in the room can be beneficial in a slew of ways. Sunlight, if it can stream through strongly enough, can increase your levels of vitamin D, which boosts and stabilizes your mood.
You can also combat seasonal depression with the right lighting, as your home office will be so bright that you’ll forget it gets dark outside early in the autumn and winter.
The last décor idea for your home office is to add some houseplants. Having plants in the office will help you prioritize your lighting, as all plants require light to grow and thrive. You can find plenty of plant species that don’t need watering often so if you’re typically busy and working late, your houseplants won’t become too much of a headache.
Houseplants look beautiful on your desk or your windowsill. They also add more oxygen to the air so you can breathe easier. Also, plants naturally induce humidity, and some plant species can remove toxins too.
Further, plants may be able to lessen your sore throat, exhaustion, and stress while increasing your creativity, concentration, productivity, and mood. Combined with the other décor ideas discussed, houseplants are certainly a way to keep you tackling more and more items on your daily to-do list.
Unlike a cubicle, you can decorate your home office however you want it. By making thoughtful décor choices, you can incorporate mood-boosting colors such as through elegant wall art or inspiring carpeting.
You can also make your working life easier with a pull-out keyboard tray and a credenza for organizing all of your files and other office odds and ends. Don’t forget to put a few houseplants in the office as well, as they just may make you happier and more productive!
George obtained a Master of Science Engineering Degree from New Jersey Institute of Technology. After graduation, he worked at AT&T Bell Labs and Lucent Technologies after the company split. With an extensive background in construction management and ergonomic space design, spanning residential and commercial, designing and installing closets in New Jersey is second nature for him.
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